The project "Zero Emission Services for a Decarbonised Alpine Economy" (LIFEalps for short) builds on the South Tyrol 2050 Climate Plan, which aimed to reduce CO2 emissions in various areas. During the preparation of the report, the area of "mobility" was largely excluded, as suitable technological solutions were not yet available. With the updated South Tyrol 2040 Climate Plan, the targets have been set even more ambitiously: CO2 emissions are to be reduced by 55% by 2030 and by 70% by 2037 compared to 2019 levels, and South Tyrol is to become climate-neutral by 2040.


A lot has changed in recent years: Technological solutions are now available and initial pilot projects have successfully demonstrated that these technologies can be applied both on the market and in everyday life. In addition, measures in the field of mobility not only enable the reduction of CO2 emissions, but also of all pollutant emissions and noise pollution. Electric mobility therefore not only contributes to environmental protection, but also to the promotion of public health.


The declared aim of the LIFEalps project is to transform South Tyrol into a model region for emission-free mobility.


To realise this, partners from various regions of South Tyrol have joined forces to expand the infrastructure for electric and hydrogen mobility, put pilot fleets on the roads and use them in a wide range of services for private and public transport.


The project will run for 11 years and was officially launched on 1 January 2019.

What are the project's objectives in infrastructure, pilot fleets and services?

Who participates in realizing this project and has which tasks?

What steps have been made and which mile stones have been reached?

The LIFE-Programme

The LIFE-Programme is co-financing this project. What is the LIFE-Programme and what are its goals?