Archive 2020
October 2020
VEK has installed the fast charging stations of the LIFEalps project
VEK has recently installed the first charging stations which have been financed throught the LIFEalps project: these five fast chargers are expanding the infrastructural network in the Vinschgau valley.
May 2020
South Tyrol as a global hydrogen model region
The South Tyrol Hydrogen Valley has been chosen as one of worldwide 40 hydrogen model projects (a so-called flagship). After the successful first phase (pilot projects), it has now arrived in its second phase, of which LIFEalps is an integral part.
(c) LPA, Ingo Dejaco
Friday, February 14th 2020
Visit by minister Paola De Micheli
After completing her visit of the BBT (Brenner Base Tunnel) construction site, minister Paola De Micheli travelled to Bolzano South where she visited the Centre for Hydrogen and E-Mobility: Here she enquired about the LIFEalps project and about South Tyrol's hydrogen and fuel cell experience and these technologies' potential to contribute to a sustainable mobility.
Thanks to the progress in technology it is possible to create more sustainable, even zero emission, forms of heavy traffic. This aspect has been the main focus of the minister of Transport and Infrastructure's visit: South Tyrol's know-how will play an important role not only nationwide and will pave the way towards a more sustainable future.
Thursday, February 6 2020
Handover Hyundai Nexo fleet
The handover of 10 Hyundai Nexo took place in the presence of South Tyrol's Governor Arno Kompatscher, of the state ministers Daniel Afreider and Giuliano Vettorato, of the Technical Director of the Brenner motorway Carlo Costa and of the managing director of Hyundai Italy Andrea Crespi.
Among the lessees, who are happy to use a Hyundai Nexo in the future, are private and public companies (Camping Moosbauer, Eurac, Alperia, A22, HGV, Microtec), and public bodies and institutions, such as South Tyrol's provincial government, IDM and the Laimburg Research Centre.